Doe et al. v. Google and Adecco
Doe et al. v. Google and Adecco
Below are documents relevant to the settlement of the PAGA claims against Adecco in this case.
Plaintiffs’ Fifth Amended Complaint
Correa’s Motion for Incentive Payment (Notice of Motion and Memo of Points and Authorities)
Correa’s Motion for Incentive Payment (Baker Declaration)
Joint Motion for Approval of Adecco PAGA Settlement (Notice of Motion)
Joint Motion for Approval of Adecco PAGA Settlement (Memo of Points and Authorities)
Joint Motion for Approval of Adecco PAGA Settlement (Baker Declaration)
Joint Motion for Approval of Adecco PAGA Settlement (Proposed Order)
Stipulation re Settlement Agreement and Additional Supporting Papers
Order Granting Approval of Adecco PAGA Settlement
Important Dates:
Check cashing deadline: (180 days from issuance)
Mailing Address is:
Doe et al. v. Google and Addeco
c/o Phoenix Settlement Administrators
P.O. Box 7208
Orange, CA 92863